Skyline Dance Studio is committed to encouraging all dancers to strive for excellence and enjoy the journey along the way.To promote inclusivity for all, Skyline Dance Studio is proud to announce their bursary program, which provides up to $500 per student, to help support their program participation. The bursary program is offered to both recreational and competitive dancers, ages 2 - 18, who might need a little bit of extra financial support to get there.
“At Skyline, our mission is to create a family atmosphere where dancers of all ages feel
safe to be who they are and express themselves creatively,” says Allison Cox, Board Chair,
“we believe each student has the ability to increase their physical, emotional, and intellectual well-being through movement, and we wanted to be able to ensure more students could be supported to join us, which is why this bursary program is so pivotal.” Through the support of the original founding sponsors, a portion of their contribution was earmarked for the bursary program and as a result, Skyline was able to launch this supportive student bursary. To learn more about the bursary opportunity, please send an email to info@skylinedancestudio.ca
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